Tuesday, March 20, 2012

For the Beauty of the Messed-Up Earth

I was talking with someone about our early spring the other day and she used a phrase that hit me squarely between the eyes: essentially, that she was really enjoying the flowers and beautiful weather in the few moments when she could let go of her fear for the planet and anxiety about the climate crisis.

That's me, too. I am torn, daily, between celebrating the beauty around me and lamenting the reason we have it in mid-March. And this seems, to me, to be part of a larger tension that we hold in our lives, the tension between enjoying the bounty we have and remaining aware of the problems in the world. As a parent, I am so happy to have relatively healthy children, and to have the resources to be able to provide all they need and more. But how do I reconcile that true feeling of joy with the knowledge that so many children don't have all they need? Does it make the joy less real? What responsibility does it mean I hold?

I'm thinking about a platform address on this topic in early May. What do you all think? Is this something you struggle with, too?

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