Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't Forget the Good News

For the past few weeks, my daily commute has taken me past a house with ever-increasing signs in the yard: cat missing! White Himalyan lost! Please call! Reward! Even their minivan had its windows covered in pleas to call them with information. Like anyone, I've felt bad for the folks who lost their cat, especially one they obviously cared so much about.

Today as I drove in to work, I saw a new sign. "Cat found!" it read, "through Craigslist!"

First of all, it was nice to hear about something good happening on Craigslist. But even more, it was nice to hear about something good happening for the cat people--to hear the very happy end of the story. It made me think about the many times that we share only the bad parts of stories, and forget to fill people in on the good.

This happens online, especially. Who writes in to say that a doctor's office wait time was pretty reasonable? Or that the TSA employee was very nice, all things considered? In our personal lives, too, we all have that friend that we complain to about our (fill in the blank: mother, co-worker, neighbor, spouse). Do we also call them up to say that today that person was completely normal and actually rather considerate?

I'm pledging to remember to tell the good news, the happy endings. To post signs letting all the commuters know that the cat was found.

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