I spoke this past Sunday about what it is that we're "doing" on Sunday morning--about why we gather. As usual, my favorite part of the platform is hearing everyone's responses, either during Community Sharing or afterward during coffee hour. And as usual, the responses were all different.
Actually, I think they were especially different this week, and that has me thinking about the very different things we bring to--and take away from--our Sunday morning experiences together. I know some WES members and visitors come for the music, while others far prefer the meditation. Some wish we had the greeting of one another for much longer, and others find that time awkward. Some can't wait to hear from everyone during community sharing, while others would rather slip out at the beginning of that segment. Some love the platform address best of all...but they're divided about whether they like it when we talk about intellectual and philosophical issues or about social justice issues of the day or about pastoral concerns.
In other words, we are a diverse bunch of people, and nowhere is this more clear than in our reactions to various elements of Sunday morning. Still, we keep coming together. What does all this diversity mean for us? Should we expect to like every part of Sunday morning, every Sunday morning? What is the point of Sunday morning, and does it have to do with enjoyment at all?
I'd love to hear from WES folks about these questions, and maybe find some times for us to talk about them in person. What do you all think?
1 comment:
If one expects to like every part of every Sunday platform, one will be disappointed, sooner or later!
To me, the point of coming to WES on Sunday is to be challenged and supported in my efforts to be a better person. That can take different forms: a celebration week might be more about the support; a platform on DC voting rights may be more about the narrower challenge of taking action on that particular issue (though it can also help in a more general strengthening of my awareness and compassion).
I think there's another interesting question: What is the point of trying to come to WES _every_ Sunday? For me, that's partly an issue of supporting the community by contributing my presence, and partly because it's good for me to cultivate discipline (not a strong suit of mine) and to be open to receiving benefits that I can't predict or expect.
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